
An event that connects fans and art

Our mission is sharing Japanese pop culture and art with fans worldwide

"Manga, anime, video games, and other Japanese pop culture content has dominated the world culture for the better part of the last 100 years! We aim to deliver this culture to fans around the world through events and other activities."

We believe that the works of Japanese artists should be shared on a wider scope with the international audience who appreciate it.

To everyone participating in the MAJITEN

"MAJITEN is a unique event in which you'll get to meet famous artists and creators from the industry who rarely make such public appearances. Enjoy this premium event where you can directly interact with the creators of your favorite manga, nostalgic anime, and games you've spent hours immersed in and get a piece of memorabilia such as an autograph or sketch which you'll cherish as part of your collection!"

Third MAJITEN closes


Event details

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